LDS control instruments are a series of single reading controllers that meet a wide range of applications. Main features:
  • Easy control by encoder wheel
  • Flow control
  • Local & remote control
  • Ermes web communication
  • Permanent data storage with system log
  • Pt100 temperature probe
  • Stand-by input
  • Alarms
  • Programmable delay at dosing start-up (up to 60 minutes)
  • Automatic temperature compensation
  • Probe readout menu (ldscdind)
  • Different working modes (on/off, impulsive proportional, proportional pwm and fixed pwm)
  • Automatic or manual dosing activity
  • mA output (optional).
Measuring parameterspHORPChlorine/Bromine (1)
Chlorine Dioxide
Hydrogen peroxyde
Peracetic acid
ConductivityInductive Conductivity (2)TurbidityDissolved OxygenTracersFluoride (F-)
Measurement and control range0 / 14 pH0/1000 mVbased on probe0 / 300,0 µS
0 / 3000 µS
0 / 30,00 mS
0 / 300,0 mS
0 / 3,000 mS
0 / 30,00 mS
0 / 300,0 mS
0 / 40,00 NTU
0 / 400,0 NTU
0 / 4000 NTU
20 mg/l O20 / 999.9 ppmConcent.: 0/3,00 ppm (0,01 ppm) mV: 0/1000,00 mV (0,01 mV)
Compensationtemp.--temp.temp./temp. and pressure/temp.