MAX5 control instrument is a controller system that meets a wide range of applications.

It is a multiple digital controller system for managing up to 5 channels that can be programmed to control: pH, ORP, chlorine (total, free and combined), chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, peracetic acid, turbidity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and temperature.

MAX5 versatility enables different programming solutions: each channel can be programmed on specific user requirement.
  • Widescreen lcd display and easy control by encoder wheel
  • 6 Setpoints relais output (on/off, pid or pwm) renamable
  • 6 Impulsive proportional output renamable
  • 1 Probe cleaning output
  • 5 Level tank input renamable
  • 5 Timer for flocculant/algicide dosing renamable
  • Water meter input for water restore
  • Temperature probe input
  • Alarm output
  • Ermes web communication
  • Local & remote control
  • Multiple probe readings can be viewed
  • Probe readout menu and check up
  • Log menu for enable/disable log on output
  • Permanent data storage with system log
  • Stand-by input
  • Alarms
  • Totalizer for instant flow rate when connected to a meter
  • 6 mA output (optional).
  • 5 programmable channels
  • REMOTE CONTROL ETHERNET or GSM option configurations are remotely manageable through portal: www.ermes-server. com.
  • Instrument software in English language. French and german available upon request
  • Instruments are customizable with client logo on frontal panel
  • Permanent data storage (without battery) with system log on display
  • Multiple probe readings: alarms and connection status can be viewed on display
  • Stand-by input
  • Flow control
  • Water meter input for water restore and totalizer for instant flow rate.
  • PT100 temperature probe input
  • 5 level tank inputs renamable
  • 5 timers for flocculant/algicide dosing renamable
  • 6 setpoints relais output (on/off, PID or PWM) renamable
  • 6 impulsive proportional outputs renamable
  • Probe cleaning output
  • LOG MENU for enable/disable log on output.
  • Programmable delay at dosing start-up (up to 60 minutes)
  • ALARMS: damaged probes - max dosage - 2 overflow alarms per channel - 5 product level alarms - flow in the probe holder
  • Probe diagnostics menu
  • mA output (option)
  • Alarm output 230 VAC.
  • Automatic or manual dosing activity
  • Multiple probe readings